Sunday, July 10, 2011


We spend a lot of time outside this summer. We play games, run around or just sit and enjoy nice weather. It is such a pleasure!

We caught one frog. I was holding her and Gabi and Patrick were touching her head. Gabi said that the froggy was cure and wanted to kiss her. Yaks!

Gabi in her princess dresses with her best friend Victoria. They shouted - cheese!

Patrick and bubbles

Face painting by Gabi taken to another level! Thankfully all washed away:)

We loved catching light bugs. We found so many and just watched them light up. It was such precious night.

Playing with the sprinkler

One evening we colored cookies - this is one of Gabi's favorites

Patrick was just chilling out...

They were goofing around, they like to play with each other

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