Sunday, July 10, 2011

4th of July!!!!!!!

For the 4th of July weekend we went with our friends to Michigan. We rented a huge house at 565 Weirich Dr. Saugatuck Michigan. The trampoline there was a hit and the small city and two beaches were great as well.. we spent a wonderful time with our friends, grilled together, went for the bike ride and ice cream. I wish we could stay there much longer than the two days we did.

2,5 hour drive made them tired, we had soooo much staff, the only thing not used was small swimming pool

On the beach

Playing games

Everyone loved it!

They never wanted to go to bed (from left: Natalia, Marcelek, Patryk, Gabi and Emilka)

You can tell what Patrick had for supper - strawberry ice cream:)

Water balloons - here we come

Gabi was showing her dirty feet after the trampoline and her new love: band-aids

In the city

Gabi did not know how to do it on the beginning, then she watched Victoria and others and did it herself! I was so proud of her

Then we went for ice cream - Patrick did not want to share:)

Here are an elephant and hippo gums


Isn't he so cute???

Patrick enjoyed it so much!

Just playing on the driveway

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