Monday, November 8, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Gabi and Patrick went to Babcia Basi and Stasiu for sleep over. They love to go there because they get 100% attention and Stas always comes up with new fun things to do. Jacek left to work on Sunday morning and I picked them up. We left to see Eliza's grave and Patrick felt asleep in the car and Gabi followed him so I went back to Babcia Basi house. I left her in the car since I knew she would wake up if I move her. I wanted her to nap for few minutes so we could stay and play some more when she wakes up. Stas was cleaning up his garage and was watching her through an open door. Patrick woke up when we arrived but I gave him some milk and he felt asleep again. He was waking up constantly so I laid down and lied him on myself. We napped like that for over an hour. It was so nice to have him so close to me and he was so peaceful. I loved this nap!
After they woke up we went for a walk around the pound. Then Ciocia Marta i Ciocia Ala came so they played with kids some more. It was a truly lazy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could spend more time with them! They are really great kids Sis! (and you're a great mom!)
