Monday, November 8, 2010

Huge update

I meant to wright this post soooo soooo long ago. I kept some notes thankfully - here we go:
  • 10/08/2010 - my first phone conversation with Gabi, she actually held the phone by here ear. We said "I love you" and "I miss you" to each other
  • We call Patrick "chomik" because he keeps food in his mouth and it takes him some time to finish what he eats
  • after their bath we come to our bad and hide under the sheets, Gabi and Patrick snuggle there beside us (or me if I am by myself), Patrick shows shhh with his finger (looks adorable)
  • almost every night we play "stary niedzwiedz mocno spi" where I chase them and they hide behind the door or in the closet
  • in the morning - when Jacek is around - he turns on a music on his cell - it is "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga and they dance - Patrick loves this music and he loves to dance! He looks so cute and he smiles and is so happy then
  • Patrick is at this stage that he wants to do everything what Gabi do:
- at Dominick's she was eating a bun with poppy seeds and he wanted one, she got waffles with Cooking Munster and he wanted one

- she jumps on the couch - Patrick wants too!
  • it was very windy the other day and nanny said "o matko, tak wiatr wieje ze malo glowy nie urwie" and Gabi understood it word by word, she was concern and when they left McDonald's she was holding her head to make sure that the wind will not blow it away.
  • Gabi has been evaluated for speech, she is little delayed and started Madison early Childhood, she goes there every day and takes bus which she loves the most.
  • On September 18th Gabi started Saturday Polish School - she likes it too:)
                          Leaving for Polish School

                        • On August 18th we met with Tanya and Orli at Family Ground Cafe , I enjoyed coffee and nice conversation with my friend and Gabi had two huge train tables for herself. Patrick had fun with everything! Then, I took them to Morton Arboretum , weather was beautiful and we had a blast.

                        1 comment:

                        1. You are so mean!!! She is not "delayed"!!! She has personality and you know everything needs to be on her terms at her time. She'll catch up. I mean look at me LOL !
