Friday, December 21, 2012

At this moment of time

The tragedy in Newtown CT last week reminded me about leaving every momenst with Gabi and Patrick and remembering it forever. I cannot even imagine what I would do if...

So I just want to make this note today to myself to remember who Gabi and Patrick are today:

Gabi - is energetic and very happy girl, she loves school and Mrs. Cortez. She spends most of her days now by writing names of her classmates and sending them pretend letters. She starts to read simple sentences and is very proud of it. She gets frustrated when she can't read some of the words.
She will be good at math - I can tell, because she loves to practice it.

She loves to dance and watches videos of Don Omar song "Danza Kuduro" and she practices the steps:
Here is the video from YouTube

In  addition to dancing, we went for ice skating and she is doing extremely well. She watches this girl all the time now:

Gabi is good at crafts and enjoys making something - we do a lot of projects.

She does not like Polish School because for her it last long. It is only 2,5 hrs but I guess it is not as exciting as her kindergarten class.

Patrick - is such a sweetheart. I could kiss him all day long. Recently, he gets in the bad moods but I think it's because he is tired - no naps has its effect. In general he is cute and really good boy. He is crazy about Lego blocks, playing with monster trucks and dinosaurs (he knows or can say their names). He enjoys playing soccer in the basement - only with daddy because only boys can play:) is what he says. They do other "boy" staff down there too - wrestling, boxing and other pretend games. I think I am boring when it comes to that so he prefers daddy in this area of interest:)
Every evening when we go to bed we have to read at least two books - recently "Batman" is read every single night. Many times he falls asleep while I am reading but is very excited about "bad guys" and "good guys" in the book.
Before I start reading him a book I ask for the kiss and big hug and tell him that I love him. He responds "you are my friend"
Patrick does not pronounce "s" or he does it in the funny way. I enjoy listening to him when he says: super fast, stegosaurus, spider man, etc - adorable!
He loves chocolate milk - we call it cacao and he says "kakalko" - every early (4-5am) morning he asks for kakalko, and I say no. He responses "when the auntie comes (nanny Teresa) will she give me kakalko?" and every morning my response is "yes" he falls back to sleep peacefully right there.

I have been home every morning this week. I loved to snuggle with them and just have them on my laps and hold them so close. They are my life.

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