Thursday, August 11, 2011


Here are variuos pictures from the summer.

Gabi and Patrick went to Molly's and Ella's B-day party held at Monkey Business. Gabi loves face painting and this is what she got.

This summer we replaced our driveway. Kids enjoyed looking at all the equipment. Gabi took these pictures.

And this one too.

One day I made them a popcorn. They could not wait:)

We did small photo session by Ciocia Gosia (our summer nanny). Here are two pictures. More to come:)

Here are to pictures from our Friday's playgroups. Gabi started to love babies. On this picture she is holding Benjamin Kapanowski - only 4 weeks old little boy. This picture was taken at London Light house.

This picture is from the playgroup at Molly and Ella Richardson's house. I don't know why this is up side down - too cute to delete.

Daddy wrestled with them during the evenings.

Gabi loves art projects - this is one of them.

We not only did the face painting...

This was our summer list - almost completly done.

During warm evenings we colored the driveway:)

We went to this Park Fest in Bensenvill one Thursday - I know - there are cool things not only over the weekends!

They had a race:)

And we crossed of another thing on our Summer List

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