Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nicola's B-day party

This summer we went to lots of B-day parties. Here is another one - Nicola turned 2!
It was at the very nice park and the weather was gorgeous!

They made those cupcakes!

Quick photo session with Gabi

Gabi and Victoria

Monday, August 15, 2011


Gabi and Patrick went for their 4 and 2 years old check ups on August 5th, right our trip to the Morton Arboretum. Gabi cried the whole ride because all of the sudden she is very scared of the doctors. When we got there the nurse did outstanding job calming Gabi down and the rest of the visit went smoothly. Gabriella weights 35 pounds and is 40 inches tall - she is at 50%. Patrick on the other hand weights 26.25 pounds and is 34 inches tall which represents 30 and 40%. The size of his head is 49.1 and this is at 60% - so my little boy has a big head:). Patrick got his immunization shot but did not cry at all - he was very brave and I was very proud of him.

Auntie Teresa went to Poland for few weeks and we replaced her with auntie Gosia - a young student girl from Krakow that is here for vacation. She is great and G&P have lots of fun with her.

In the last few weeks Lexi and Victoria visit us almost every day. Girls dress up in princesses dresses - Gabi always in Snow White and Lexi - a purple one. Patrick dresses up in pink dragon then. Victoria and Gabi pretend that Patrick is a Cookie Monster and scream and run around the house or yard. Patrick chases them and makes those funny/scary noises. This is super cute!
They also like to play a DOCTOR. Thankfully, we don't have lots of boys coming over yet.
Girls like to play that game a lot. They set up real hospital and use all the possible tools to check on the patient. This is hilarious.

Patrick started to talk. His favorite words are tractor, car and purple. He is adorable and likes to play the game when I ask him to repete a particular word.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Morton Arboretum

On August 5th, our neighbour Monica and I went to the Morton Arboretum to Children's Garden. It was so nice to go with someone. Gabi was with her best friend Victoria and they did everything together. We really had a good time.

This tree was pretty amazing

It is nice to go places with friends. They can actually take pictures of us!

Playing in the water was really refreshing that day.

Patrick was in heaven! He tried everything!

Gabi and Victoria had so much fun goofing around. Here they were dancing on the rock.

They went together to the Bible camp so here it is again "God is big God is awesome":)

Patrick was into throwing tiny rocks into the water.

so where are we?

And then we had a snack

And more goofing around

"what's going to work? - - - - - team work!"

Where is Gabi?

say "cheese"!

We definitely had enough time to paint the nails

He is such a cutie!

Big B-day party for Gabi and Patrick

We celebrated Gabi's and Patrick's B-day party over two days.