Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Gabi and Patrick are growing and developing so fast. Here are some updates/news from the last few weeks:
- Gabi got a pink eye and shared it with Patrick - they both ended up on antibiotic and it was no fun at all

- after Poland they want to fall asleep with me and Jack at the same time. I am with Patrick in his crib and Gabi is with Jacek on her bed. I read few stories and we turn light off and only then they fell asleep. It takes only few minutes for Patrick and for Gabi it depends if she napped during the day. With the nap it takes her FOR EVER!

- Patrick loves carrot. This is his favorite vegetable so I have to cook lots of it when I make them a soup. This is the first thing he eats

- Patrick has such long eye lashes. I am totally jealous.

- Gabi finally lets me make braids on her hair - she looks super cute!

- we turn Michal Bajor's CD on and together sing a song called "Pomidor" - "jak pan moze panie pomidorze..." we scream and laugh - such a joy to do it with them!

- Gabi started to take pictures - she really likes it and takes them of everything - my nails, shoes, our yard - she is getting really good!

- Last week Patrick got double ear infection, poor guy got antibiotic again and has missed so many swim classes!

- weather got so better and we go to the pool more often, I have to videotape this madness - both of them enjoy jumping into the water

- we refinished their little table - now it became such a memorable piece

- we both hand rings and both Gabi and Patrick swing on them in the basement - they are like monkeys! They are crazy about the set and I am so glad we got it for them.

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