Thursday, July 29, 2010

Patrick is one today! Gabi turned 3 on Saturday!

My little man is 1 today! I cannot believe that they are 3 and 1 already. This has been an amazing year - full of laughter, hugs, kisses, and .... sleepless nights which is ok in exchange of how much love I got. I think this was the best year so far. I am crazy about Gabi and Patrick, love them to death and will do anything for them.

Gabi is a great big sister. She calls Patrick "baby" and gives orders like - "baby no, no", "baby - tam", "baby sit" She pushes him around but at the same time makes sure he is well. He kisses him and hugs him and she is better on sharing her loved trains and cars (yes, she is still crazy about those:)) On Monday I took them on Metra train ride since nanny Teresa got sick. It was so much fun. Every night before we go to bed I tell Gabi a story about girl Gabrysia. Each day the story is about Gabi's day. However, since Monday the story every night is about the train ride - I don't know what the deal is with those trains but Gabi's affection is not going away!

Patrick runs around, loves spray ground, goes under the water falls like a pro and smiles constantly. He loves to look at tomatoes in our garden behind the garage. If I cannot see him it means he is there. Hi gives high fives, knows how to say hi, claps his hands and loves to dance. As soon as he hears music his head and butt are moving:) Did I mentioned that he is adorable? Last night Gabi said "cute baby"

This morning, Teresa said that she is making coffee for herself. Gabi yelled - "me too" so nanny gave her 2 small pices of instant coffee, pured milk and both of them are drinking their coffees from fancy coffee cups - I wish I was there to take a picture!

My co-worker - Sandra Borto bought Patrick a saving bond. I am to remind him when he is ready to cash it that so many people thought about him today. Sandra is wonderful and carrying and I hope Patrick will have friends as good as she is!

One thing happened on Gabi's B-day - our basement got flooded. Everything must be replaced. But we don't care. It's not that important.

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