Wednesday, May 26, 2010

As they grow

Gabi turned 2 years and 10 months on Monday. Time flies and she is growing up fast. When she was little I held her foot in my hand while feeding her. She loves it and even now when she is size 8 she likes me to hold it. I think she feels safe then.
Patrick on the other side likes to lay on me belly to belly. I love it and he falls asleep right away. He has beautiful eyes and very cute smile. He wants to do whatever Gabi is doing and gets frustrated when he can't which is most of the time since he cannot walk yet.

Right now we are trying to eliminate diapers at night for Gabi. She had an accident last night around 10PM but stayed tried until morning so this is very good sign. She loves puzzles, coloring, still trains - actually she tried on Patrick's Thomas the Train pj last night - size 18 m - let me tell you - it did not fit. Haha - she looked so adorable. Gabi likes to hug and kiss - she is so sweet then - I love both of them very much.

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