Wednesday, May 26, 2010

As they grow

Gabi turned 2 years and 10 months on Monday. Time flies and she is growing up fast. When she was little I held her foot in my hand while feeding her. She loves it and even now when she is size 8 she likes me to hold it. I think she feels safe then.
Patrick on the other side likes to lay on me belly to belly. I love it and he falls asleep right away. He has beautiful eyes and very cute smile. He wants to do whatever Gabi is doing and gets frustrated when he can't which is most of the time since he cannot walk yet.

Right now we are trying to eliminate diapers at night for Gabi. She had an accident last night around 10PM but stayed tried until morning so this is very good sign. She loves puzzles, coloring, still trains - actually she tried on Patrick's Thomas the Train pj last night - size 18 m - let me tell you - it did not fit. Haha - she looked so adorable. Gabi likes to hug and kiss - she is so sweet then - I love both of them very much.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pet Parade in Elmhurst 5-15-2010

On Saturday we went to see some pets. It was awsome and we had great time. Here are some pictures:

Stay still Patrick - mommy wants to take our picture!

Patrick was so proud of himself for standing without any help!

Gabi loved this cat.

"Nie ma" - there is none

On Monday night Jacek gave Gabi an ice cream - Dove. She was eating it when I was making her and Patrick ready for a bath. When I turned to put him in the bathtub I heard her saying "nie ma" which means "there is no more". I turned around and Gabi was looking down at the toilet. O my gosh! She threw the wood stick from the ice cream and flashed the toilet. Of course it got stock. Thankfully Jacek was still home and did not leave for the trip and could fix it. That would be dramatic.
Here are some picks:

"nie ma"

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Quite time

Patrick was super cute last night. I was putting him to bed so I sat on the chair with him on my chest to spend some quite time with him. He started to pretend that he was sleeping and then looked at me and smiled. Then looked down and up again on me with his huge smile and two teeth on the bottom. We did it a few times and I totally started to laugh out loud... and he did too. So much for our quite time:) That was amazing and priceless...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cholewko's house

Yesterday we went to Cholewko's house. They have 4 kids: Lukasz, Karolina, Marta and Artur. Gabi is in love with Lukasz. I am serious. As soon as I told her that we are going there she was standing by the door ready to go. On every stop light she asked me "Ka? Ka?" which stands for Lukaszek. When we got there she was shy but wanted him to play with her. They played ball and video game and she had a blast:)

We love to go there becuase the house is huge, lots of space and Cholewko's kids play with Gabi and take care of Patrick so we have few moments to sit, eat and talk to other family members. Cholewko's house is almost always full of people, loud and very friendly. They have pool and ping pong table and Jacek plays with Jarek most of the time. It is always lots of fun.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Let's start our blog!

I was thinking about one for a while. Then I could not decide if it shoudl be in Polish or English. However, since Gabi and Patrick will prefer English and this is mainly for them I decided to create one that they will be able to read in few years. Ha - I hope they will read in Polish too!

So here we are!