Saturday, September 22, 2018

Gabi's boyfriends

Here we are today, when my middle schooler has a boyfriend - Jackson Bui. Like typical kids this age, he texted her a question and she texted back. Jackson is her second one. Austin was her first - back in 5th grade.
Let me just explain, that at this age, they are boyfriends and girlfriends but nothing else changes - they really don't hang out together, they text but don't have dates. I really don't understand it - a sign that I am getting old, grrr.

Patrick - my deer

Patrick is a sweet nine year old. He is small and tiny and when he falls asleep, I hold his hand, brush his back, kiss him and play with his hair - trying to remember those moments when he is still little.

He is funny and makes fun of my accent. Last week I told him: "I love you dear" and he responded "I am not a deer, I am not that fast" - smart ass!

Friday, February 9, 2018