Sunday, September 27, 2015

Soccer game downtown and Navy Pier

One of the Patrick's games was downtown. So we decided to go for a breakfast in the city after the game. Our favorite skateboarding park was just outside the restaurant so of course we couldn't stop them. After they got tired of that we went to the Navy Pier and for the speedy boat ride. It was a wonderful family day!

 This is the last picture of the Ferry Wheel - they started to take it down the next day

Patrick's hair due

Patrick all of the sudden likes to comb his hair. HANDSOME!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

My dates with Patrick

I love to spend a time alone with Patrick. He is so funny. We enjoy eating together.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


 Patrick started a soccer training. He goes to TESC (Team Elmhurst Soccer Club) and has practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He has games every other Sunday. He loves it! They really focus on skills and not really scoring goals. Below are the pictures from his 1st soccer game.

Gabi's pics from the last few months

It was a busy few months, we did a lot of adventures and here are some pictures!

 Besties, look at the shoes!

 Little grandma Basia


 another one

 and another one! 

 Picnic with Solomia
 One more selfie! Why not???
