Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Birthday celebrations

We had few little Birthday celebration for Gabi's 8th and Patrick's 6th Birthdays. The final event was at Sky Zone in Elmhurst. As always - kids had fun with their friends!

First we went for burgers ...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sandra's B-day

This is what the kids did at Sandra's B-day party. They did go outside for a while, but it was rainy.

Gabi on the trampoline

Gabi spent the whole summer jumping on the trampoline. Here are some videos

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Music in the park

During the summer Elmhurst has concert in Berens Park. This was the first time we went. Next time we will take something to sit and just have dinner.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July

This year we celebrated 4th of July by going to the parade in Bensenville. It was hot but we got lots of candy and were sprayed by water.
Then, in the afternoon we went to our friends - Nicole and Kacper, Victoria and Emily were there too!
We had fun making s'mores, playing with cold fireworks and running in the dark with glow sticks.


Friday, July 3, 2015

Trip to downtown

New Maggie Daley Park was opened in downtown Chicago so we checked it out. We took a train and just walked to the Grand Park. G&P did not feel like walking a lot so it was a short trip.

on the train

 on the way to the park

 New slides, it was very crowded

Ice cream at Brain Freeze in Elmhurst when we got back from the city.