Saturday, May 17, 2014

Last day of Polish School

The last day of Polish School was a day of celebration. Both Gabi and Patrick had a presentation on the stage at the gym. Then we went to each of their classrooms to pick up their diplomas and presents (books). Pani Jadzia was Patrick's teacher and Pani Jola was Gabi's. When we went to Gabi's classroom we were shocked to hear that Gabi was the top 4 student in the class. This is something we could not believe since she is not always willing to do her Polish homework. It was a pleasant surprise.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day this year. Gabi and Patrick were so creative. I got many memorable presents, hugs and kisses. I truly felt special!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Patrick's creations

Patrick has great imagination. His paintings are super busy and amazing!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Gabi's gymnastics

Gabi was selected to join the team at Elite Legacy Gymnastics in Carol Stream, IL.
It was a great success since to qualify she had to participate in tryout. We were very proud of her.
However, we decided to not to continue her carrier. At Level 3 they required 9 hours a week of practice and it was very expensive. It is a very difficult sport and we did not want to risk her health.

Marble painting

Gabi has seen it on YouTube so I ordered a kit and we were creating this amazing arts all morning. Every piece was different and we were playing with the colors combination. Patrick got interested too:)

Horse racing at Arlington Heights track

One of my coworkers invited us to see a horse racings. We've never been so we gladly accepted. It was windy but sunny and we could see the races from so close. That was a great experience.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

we support kids from Africa

We've been collecting toys, shoes and crafts for kids from Africa. This is how they thanked us:)