Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chalk creations

Gabi found a make your own chalk kit in the garage so we made few of them. Then I draw their bodies on the driveway and they colored them. Early morning activity turned out to be so much fun.

Maya's B-day party

Patrick got invited to his classmate's birthday party. Maya turned 4 and it was a pool party. We had so so much fun. Her back yard is beautiful. When we were there for a while, Patrick asked me - "Mommy, can you buy the pool for me" - I thought to myself - "I wish." Yes, he loved to dive in into the water.

Picking up strawberries

It is strawberries season so I had to take Gabi and Patrick. They were no so much interested in picking them or eating them right there. Strawberries were so delicious and sweet. Gabi and Patrick enjoyed walking around the field and then going to the entertainment area. We spend there 4 hours. It was not crowded at all. Basically, we had the whole place for ourselves. The next morning Patrick asked to go there one more time.


Dentist appointment

Gabi and Patrick went for a check up. It was Patrick's first time and he did great. No crying, although he was seating on my laps. Everything is fine, no cavities.!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Kaleighla's B-day party

Gabi was so excited to go to her classmate's b-day party. It was on hot Saturday afternoon and she was glad to see few of her school friends. Patrick did not want to play on the beginning but as soon as his friend Mathew came in, he enjoyed every moment of it. At the end, they received their own presents. Two goldfishes. Yes, we (parents) were not as happy about it as Gabi and Patrick. They were big and unfortunately did not survive more than 2 days.