Saturday, May 4, 2013

Polish Parade

This was the first time we ever went for the Parade. Representing our Saturday Polish school was fun but it was a long day. It was cold and rainy in the morning  and then it got really hot.

They got bored waiting for our turn to go.

 Finally - after 2,5 hours of waiting it was our turn to go.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Patrick multitasking

In memory of Dziadek Domaniewski

Second Grandpa passed away. Forever in our memory.

Three cups

I decided that Gabi is big enough to start receiving her weekly allowance. I made sure that she will follow those three steps in managing her funds.

May Day celebration

This is a new tradition we will try to follow every year. May Day is a celebration of Spring coming in. Baskets with flowers are left at the step door of neighbors and friends. Everyone loved our creations and Gabi enjoyed making and delivering them.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mermaid Show

Everytime there is a show in town - we are there. The most recent one was a Mermaid and we loved it. We even went twice. When we went on opening night on Friday we sat in the firet row and so everyting from upclose. It was only I, Gabi and her friend Solomia. On Sunday, I, Gabi and Patrick went to see it again. The show was sold out and we sat on the balcony. The show was amazing! Music, costumes and the whole organization was very professional and it was played by elementary and middle school students. Patrick was interested as well. He loved Ursula - the bad witch.
After that show Gabi pretended to be a mermeid. I had to wrap towels around her legs, she watched few videos on YouTube. She really believed that she could swim in the water like that.