Monday, April 29, 2013

Munster Truck show

Patrick is crazy about muster trucks. I bought the tickets to the show and Gabi and Patrick as well as Stasiu and daddy went to see it. They loved it but it was too laud. Next time we need to get more prepared.

My mornings with Patrick

Patrick falls asleep in his bed but during his first bathroom break we move him to our bed. When he wakes up early in the morning he asks for his cocoe. Sometimes it is too early or I don't feel like getting up and going downstairs to get it for him. So I tell him: "Two more minutes Patrick" - hopping he will fall back asleep. Last time I said so he said " one, two - time is out" - I had no choice to get it for him:)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Patrick's Field Trip

Every year there is a field trip from Madison Early Childhood center. This time it was Patrick's turn. His class went to Oakbrook Nature Center. They planted a sunflower seed and went around pound checking off things they found.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Super Mom

Gabi's school has this event - Super mom - when mom visit the class and spends half they in the classroom. It was so nice to see how she interacts with other students, what they do during the day and what they learn. Wonderful experience.