Sunday, July 29, 2012

Patrick is 3 today!

Patrick turned 3 today! I cannot believe that he is already 3. We celebrated it at home with ice cream birthday cake.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gabi is 5 today!

Last night she asked me: "Am I 5 now?" and I said "No" and then 5 minutes later she asked the same thing. She could not wait. She was so excited about her 5th Birthday.

We took a train to 2Toots for dinner.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

2012 London Olympics and Gabi's favorite event

 We've been watching Olympics all the time. Gabi loves gymnastics and Gabby Douglas. We've recorded shows so we can watch things few time. We also enjoyed swimming, diving and water dancing.

Patrick knows how to ride a bike without training weels!

I could never guess that this will happened today. Patrick is not even three and he wanted me to push him around on the regular bike. Just to see what will happened I pushed him a little stronger and let go. To my amazement off the went. OMG! He is not even three!
He still has some problems with pedals but I am sure he will practice from now on. I guess using the balance bike helped him tremendously since he has never used the bike with training wheels!

Lemonade stand

Today was a perfect day for a lemonade stand. We made a yellow one and a pink one. We had it on Mrs. Monica's corner yard with Lexi, Victoria and Coco. So much fun!

 Mrs. Monica explained all kinds of coins we had.
Our yellow lemonade.

 We also offered goldfish.

            Before the clients came everything had to be tested.
  Lexi was telling us some stories.

 Girls were really good cheering up and yelling "Lemonade!!!!"

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


It is after 10pm and we finally have some rain. It has been a very hot summer with so many days ove 95 degrees.
The rain came with thunders and lighting. Gabi is afraid. She jumped out of her bad crying and one of us needed to cover hear ears so she does not hear it. I turned on some music - hopefully this will help.
 Patrick is fine. He has not woken up yet:)

Blue man

This is what welcomed me when I got home from work today. The whole bottle of blue paint was being played with. I think that Patrick had a great time:)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Safty Town

I think this is the last year we went there. Gabi and Patrick are getting too big:)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pirate's Cove

We go there every year and we enjoy every time we go. There is so much to do!