Tuesday, May 29, 2012

First beach day of 2012

It was a very warm Memorial Day Weekend. It was so had and G&P kept asking for a beach so we decided to go. We went to the beach by Navy Pier - Ohio Beach. It was sunny and warm and the sand was even too hot to walk on it a bear foot. G&P did not spend too much time in the water or sand - the fun was all about climbing those huge rocks:)

Baking at the mud table

I follow so many blogs with such a great ideas and this is one of them. So I went to a Goodwill and got lots of used kitchen staff for our mud table. It is a great are to get dirty and play with different staff. There are days that we play with different herbs and seasonings, beans, coffee beans etc. This time it was a time for sprinkles... :)

A visit at Madison - last week of school

There were lots of things going on at Madison. The last two weeks of Gabi's preschool were intense with events. She is off to Kindergarten now!

Spring Sing was fun - lots of kids and parents and Daddy came along.

Madison PTA event - we were hoping to win something - and we did! A nice lunch with Gabi's teacher Mrs. Debbie Vasta:)

Summer B-day celebration - Gabi celebrated hers during the last week of school. She was so glad that I came over to celebrate with her and I could see what she does with her friends.

Car wash

I saw this idea somewhere and I thought it will be so great to do something like this in our yard. The weather was perfect and we loved it!

Last day of Polish school

It was only once a week every Saturday morning but it will mean so much in the future.
The classroom was already cleaned up - so sad!
But the show was awesome. Gabi was so proud to be on the stage and to enjoy these last moments with her Polish classmates.

Mrs. Teresa - religion teacher

Rainy day

I love spring rainy days. It was warm enough to play outside and Patrick loved it! He jumped around and got all wet. Afterword, he enjoyed nice hot bath:)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gabi's first pet - a fish named Paul

Gabi's class at Madison had a frog during the school year. We had a chance to win it in the raffle but the frog (named Gabi:) ) went home with someone else. Gabi was a little disappointed so we went to a pet store and we got her first pet - a fish - named Paul after her friend from the school bus.
Paul is doing well...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cowboy girl

Gabi is patient and persistent. She kept asking me for cowboy's boots for the last two weeks so I finally gave up. I got her some extra staff too and now this is the only thing she wants to wear.
She looks great and loves her new boots!


Not many things happen during Spring becuase of my busy season and bad weather. We like go get silly in the house though:)

Brookfield zoo trips

We got our 2012 membership and we are going to visit the Zoo a lot! There are so many great things and activities and G&P love to explore.
Here are the pics from all our trips.

Our first trip in March - it was soo hot!

April trip

Meeting with Elephant Elmer:)


Boo at the zoo event

 Patrick loved to play those - he did not want to leave