Monday, June 14, 2010

Gabi's first dentist visit

Well, it did not go well. Gabi was brave and willing to go. I tried to prepare her, we read a book with Elmo and the dentist office. I told her that the dentist will count her teeth. Everything was fine until it was time to open her mouth. She started to scream, call that she was afraid and that she has an awee. The dentist tried to see something but Gabi baited her. That was the end of the visit. I called Jacek right after and told him the whole story and he happily said "that's my girl" - grrrrr - guys! Thankfully, everything looks good and since she does not complain about anything I can assume that all her teeth are healthy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Memorial Weekend and The World's Largest Swimming Lesson

Memorial Weekend was very peaceful. We went for swimming class like every Saturday, then went shopping and spend some time outside. They open splash ground at The Hub in Elmhurst so we went there on Saturday and Sunday. Patrick was careful but really loved it and Gabi unlike last year was all over the place - running through all the waterfalls. They had a blast!

On Sunday night Gabi and Patrick went for sleepover at Babcia Basi. Gabi loves to go there. We took out small pool and they had a great time. Patrick was crawling in the water and was happy about the whole freedom he got in the water. I am very happy that both of them like water so much and are not afraid of it. When we came back on Monday around noon both of them were sleeping:)

Memorial weekend is the weekend Patrick started to walk for good. He is very excited to do it. He is a good walker already. He started to walk exactly at the same time Gabi did. They are so alike.

Weather is so nice. We go to playground a lot or just stay in the back yard. Gabi helps me to water flowers each evening. Most of the time she sprays one are of the ground with no flowers on it or washed the car - no wonder it takes me 30 minutes.

On June 3rd both Gabi and Patrick were part of The World's Largest Swimming Lesson. We went to Marriott Hotel when British Swim School was hosting the event. It was really nice and people from Sydney, Australia and Honolulu, Hawaii were doing it at the same time.

The other day I showed Patrick a game. I say "Baranki, Baranki - puk"and we hit each other by forehead. He loves that and laughs out loud. Gabi does the same version but she likes me to say "lekko" which means not to hard - and she touches me very gently or "mocno" - hard and then she takes two steps back and runs into my forehead - it hurts a little but she has so much fun!

On Saturday (June 5th) I signed up Gabi for Elmhurst Library Summer Reading program. We rented few books. She is supposed to read 5 books a week. We have to write the title and she will get a price for it. It should not be a problem because she loves to read books.

Patrick is 10 months old!